Let’s Become the Mind of the Great Nature

Mind of the Great Nature

Hello, I’m your host Kristine and welcome to Woo Myung Cast, where you can listen to Great Teacher Woo Myung’s words of wisdom.

Today’s story is called Let’s Become the Mind of the Great Nature.


A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a location (man-made or natural) that is listed by UNESCO as having a special cultural or physical significance. In order to be nominated for this list, the site must meet a criterion as set by UNESCO.Search the internet and you can easily find such beautiful scenes posted on this site. Some of the most famous natural heritages by UNESCO include Canada’s Rocky Mountain National Park, America’s Yellowstone National Park and Nepal’s Everest National Park. Just by looking at the pictures, you cannot help but admire their beauty that nature has made over the course of time. At the same time, you become solemn about how tiny mankind is in the bigger scheme of the great nature. If you are given an opportunity to visit the natural heritage sin person, you would feel great inspiration and admiration.

Birds in the sky, fish in ocean and animals and plants on ground live silently together with the great nature. The great nature does not have confinements and judgments towards one another. That is, it ‘just’ lives with the mind of the truth, without the mind of an individual, ‘as it is.’

However, human mind has many aspects contrasting with the great nature. Humans like to boast about themselves because he is self-centered. It is so difficult to live the true life of nature without the self as we are bound to conceptions and customs that have been formed by the life we live, that which we call ‘our self.’ However, there are still many people who have abandoned conceptions of the self and live the life of sacrifice and service. It is truly amazing and just by looking at them we become ashamed of ourselves.

Why don’t we become the mind of the great nature by escaping from this tiny frame that we call ‘myself’? If we can become one with the great nature rather than just a tiny human being in the extensive great nature, it would be true joy and happiness to us. The great nature is our teacher and the birthplace of our mind.


To conclude, I would like to introduce a piece of writing by Teacher Woo Myung. Please think deeply about the life of nature that is ‘just as it is.’

This is called Great Nature.

Great Nature

Birds singing, insects chirping

The sounds of beasts in the dark

Trees and grass are thick

After resting from the heat of the day

There are the beasts that move in the night

This deep, deep forest is no different from ancient times

I try to figure out how many have come to this place

But I do not think anyone has come looking for it

All the while nature stays silently in its place

People think nature has unheard complaints of its own

But nature just stays as it is

With no mind of having done so

The mind of nature is the mind of Truth

In the mind of Truth

There is no mind of individuality at all

It stays as it is without judgment or discernment

Water flows from high to low

Running into trees, stones and moss

So clear that it is almost white

The water tastes sweet

And upon its surface, water drops roll like crystals

The water runs along the valley

To become the river, to become the sea

The sea is a composition of the rivers and the sea

And thus, salty

It changes to vapor to become rain

And rain falls to land

Round and round in circles it goes

On the highest mountains

There are no trees and grass

Because conditions do not allow for them to exist

Likewise, people who regard themselves too highly

Have no one around them

This was from < The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living > by Teacher Woo Myung.


We hope you enjoyed today’s insightful poem by Great Teacher Woo Myung.

Thank you for listening and please join us next time on Woo Myung Cast where the more you listen to Great Teacher Woo Myung’s writings, the more you gain wisdom. This Woo Myung Cast is sponsored by Maum USA. If you would like to learn more about Great Teacher Woo Myung, please visit Woomyung.org.