
There are countless jobs in the world: Doctor, chef, artist, film director, photographer, translator, writer, and countless others. If I try to think of the jobs I wanted to be when I was a child, there would be a great deal of jobs. As I look back now, all of the jobs I dreamed for were literally “my dream” I vaguely wanted to achieve, without knowing the true meaning for each of their roles.

Every one of us in the world has a role. However, it seems that this important fact has already been forgotten in this generation as we are so greedy and selfish that the material possessions are regarded as the most precious things. While not being aware of the meaning of the roles assigned to each one of us, we are just running and running forward to attain more and to accomplish something. In the meantime, the fact that we are playing a role in the world has been forgotten, and the role assigned to us has been replaced by burden and stress that we must endure.

Isn’t it a miracle itself to exist in the world? Isn’t it amazing to take a role within the world? However, even we do not know that we are playing a role in the world. How grateful is it that we can, at least, play a small role for the work of the world that is accomplished according to the nature’s flow? Don’t you feel grateful that you can exist in that nature’s flow?

We need to look back at the role given to us and see if we have not forgotten the meaning and preciousness of that role. We will also need to examine ourselves whether we tried our best to accomplish that role with gratitude. And now, our role should be to live for others and save them, rather than accomplishing something we wanted and dreamed for.

The ways to help everyone in the world, to feel grateful for the world, to know nature’s flow and to live the life of oneness are most precious. Would there be any role that is more precious and blessed? The beautiful life of living truly happily; the life of becoming the light for the world: it must be how we must live during this generation.


From Poetry “Mind” by Teacher Woo Myung


The Road II


Your mind, my mind –

You are me

So your load is to guide the people of the world.

It may be a heavy burden

But live without a shred of disappointment

Because you are a person

Who knows the road you must travel.

Was there anything special in human life?

The path of living for others is indeed,

Good and beautiful

But it is a difficult path for anyone

To live as a light that shines for the world.

But you have that load,

And if anything can be called happiness or a blessing

Isn’t this the blessing of blessings?

When all those who come

And all those who go become one,

And all people are enlightened of existing Truth

The life you live will become light itself